Who can benefit from conscious tutoring?
Can adults and people of various age groups benefit from conscious tutoring?
Can The Conscious Tutor provide tutoring in the major academic subject areas?
What do you mean when you say “consciousness”?
Is the process of living life embedded in this new level of consciousness, as you describe, an instantaneous process, or is it a gradual one?

Who can benefit from conscious tutoring?

Conscious tutoring can be effective for people of all age groups, backgrounds, occupations, and dispositions. The Conscious Tutor can lead the way to your success and fulfillment of your life’s desires, at the same time allowing you to fulfill your unique journey in this world. Additionally, you will learn how to be the cause of your own transformation, and learn how to be a major player in the transformation of the world, while at the same time being successful in the many areas of your life--socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and professionally. As of yet, there is not much out there in the mainstream that will teach you to accomplish your missions based on a novel "paradigm / perspective" of life. The Conscious Tutor devises a system of education that can assist individuals to be successful on many fronts.

Can adults and people of various age groups benefit from conscious tutoring?

If you are an individual that's always had a different paradigm on life, or wants to learn more about living a life with a different level of consciousness, then The Conscious Tutor can assist you in this process by equipping you with the necessary tools to bring forth this possibility in your life. Individuals seeking scientific alternatives and explanations to the various unexplained phenomena that are inherit in the universe, to the multidimensional aspects of human beings, to the multidimensional connection of this third dimensional reality, and to just acquire more analytical, abstract, conceptual, and problem-solving life skills from a “paradigm” not currently so easily accessible in the main stream, then The Conscious Tutor is definitely worth an investigation.

Can The Conscious Tutor provide tutoring in the major academic subject areas?

Traditional tutoring in the major academic subjects is available, and students are guided towards developing a working intellectual understanding of consciousness, not directly, rather through the tutoring, experiences, and personal development that results from the tutoring. Tutors are trained in the area of consciousness enhancement, transcendental strategies, and, in particular, explaining content matter in a way that creates a shift in consciousness in the learner.

The Conscious Tutor teaches you how to live a conscious life, a life that has as its fundamental basis, a transcendental aspect, which for the most part, most humans do not incorporate into their physical, mental, and psychic processes behind the bodily functions of life. Ask yourself, do you want to live your life knowing what the “secret” of life is? It’s really not a secret in that the information, knowledge, and data is out there, available to people, but just as with learning any new concept in education, you must learn and be taught the basics, the terminology, the science associated with it, and how to utilize it. Unfortunately, this level of understanding the play of consciousness, is not taught in the mainstream education system of today, nor is it encouraged for reasons of the implications it may foster on the structure of not only this third dimensional reality, but the implications it may suggest for the higher dimensions and densities of reality. In other words, think of it as this, what consequences will a shift in the perspective of reality (essentially a shift in human consciousness) have on the heavens and cosmos. For students in the current education system, conscious tutoring will allow them a unique way to navigate through the traditional educational system, being successful in the traditional core subject areas, and at the same time keeping their level of consciousness/reality, as the basis of their success, and allowing them to express their own uniqueness in this world.

What do you mean when you say “consciousness”?

Consciousness here means the awareness with which you comprehend the reality you are creating for yourself, your family, your community, and the world. How is your consciousness affecting the overall consciousness around you? Do you want to resonate with a level of consciousness that is different from what is around you, or what is constantly being confirmed by what you see and hear? Consciousness is that energy of awareness that is an inherent aspect of the universe, and every single living entity is connected to this field of consciousness (“oneness”), and a deeper analysis leads one to realize that all matter, including inanimate non-living matter, is connected to this vast field of consciousness, and even a much deeper scientific analysis leads to how this field of consciousness can be accessed on various levels with various technologies, both ancient and modern.

Is the process of living life embedded in this new level of consciousness, as you describe, an instantaneous process, or is it a gradual one?

As with most, if not all, personal development work, this is gradual work, however, conscious tutoring will equip you with the necessary tools (data, knowledge, information, exercises, and know-how), to become apt at shaping your reality. These are tools that are currently available, but access to them is limited since the level of consciousness trying to access them is not resonating with the levels of consciousness that is creating and putting these tools for people to use. Additionally, there are many systems of self- development, of self-improvement, and of consciousness enhancement out there that choosing one, or combination thereof, that is just right for peoples’ level of development, requires a basic background and understanding of the scientific principles involved, how to access the basic resources that are already out there (books, videos, internet, lectures, seminars, yoga, etc.), and how to become grounded in this level of reality, while you shift into a different level of consciousness, which can be very challenging given that essentially everything around you is resonating at a completely different degree of consciousness.